Winter 2024 - Friday afternoons @ 1 pm
10 weeks starting January 17 - March 28, 2025
(Town Hall is a short walk south from the St. George TTC subway stop - St. George St. exit)
Friday Afternoons
WN24-C:346 - "Vladimir Putin: the Dark Tsar"
Lecturer: Dr. Olivier Courteaux
An accomplished lecturer, historian and author, Dr. Courteaux received his Doctorate in History from the University of Paris-Sorbonne and was a faculty member at Royal Military College and at Ryerson University. He is a frequent lecturer for several later life learning programs in Toronto, including those at Glendon College and Ryerson University.
Course Description:
On 22 February, 2022, Vladimir Putin ordered his armed forces to invade Ukraine. His decision destabilized the European and global political and economic balance of power, with long lasting geopolitical consequences. But who is Vladimir Putin? What are his objectives? How did he manage to ascend through the ranks of the KGB? How did he rise to political prominence in post-Soviet Russia and usher in a new authoritarianism, marked by brutal repression and disinformation? And why did the conquest of Ukraine become a personal obsession? The importance of better understanding Vladimir Putin and his merciless rule has never been greater.
There is no weekly outline for this course. Olivier will cover all of the points noted above.
WN25-C:346 - "Vladimir Putin: the Dark Tsar"
Start Date: January 17, 2025
End Date: March 28 2025
Meet: Fridays
Time: 1 pm to 2:30 pm
No lecture on Friday, February 21 (Reading Week)
Location: In-Person in Town Hall AND Online via Zoom
Enrolment Fee: $80.00 No Refunds